Monday, April 26, 2010

Mommy and Me Monday

For the last couple of months, Mees doesn't care to snuggle with her mama so much anymore.  This makes mama REAL sad because mama LOVES to snuggle!  Well, miraculously, Mees has been snuggling a little more lately.  It's probably just a stage but Mama is goin with it!!!  This is how we roll!!!!

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn


  1. Yay for snuggle time! Adorable pictures honey!

  2. So cute! I miss snuggling my babies.

  3. Snuggles are fantastic! Such cute pictures of you two! I know what you mean about snuggling becoming less exciting. Bubs has more important things to do than snuggle anymore. (like exploring and playing) I take them when I can get them!

  4. Definitely take the snuggles when you can get them...and hope that when that stage is gone, another snuggle stage is right behind.

  5. that is why I work in my church nursery. Its the best when they fall asleep while you are snuggling! I love my little snugglebutts!

  6. My daughter is so over snuggling. She'd much rather climb the walls. Following back from FF.

  7. Stopping by a bit late from New Friend Friday. I'm following you now! Hope you can stop by and follow me, too. :)

    By the way, I'm starting a NEW BLOG HOP!!! It's called Tuesday Tag-Along, and it premieres tomorrow (actually, the linky opens in less than ten minutes)! I hope you'll be there to join in the fun and get some new followers!

  8. Ahhhhhh, soak it up!!! Those moments pass TOO quickly! How can they make up their minds when they are so little?!

  9. Sometimes I like it a little bit when my little girl is sick, because then she wants to snuggle. I miss snuggles.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am following you!

  10. Seriously those pictures are too cute! I love a good snuggle and the first born not a lover of the snug, the second, she is all about it!

  11. Great pictures! I miss the baby snuggles :( Visiting for Mommy & Me.

  12. I sure miss my snuggling days! I am lucky to get a kiss anymore!!~ I sneak them in though. Thanks for popping in Nikki!

  13. SO sweet! My 2 year old loves to snuggle, my 5 year old..not so much any more. Now, she is like a cat..she comes to me and lets me snuggle her..only when she wants me to:( Enjoy it while its available:) WHat an adorable little girl!

  14. Precious! I have been taking pics for mommy and me monday and then forgetting about it!


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