Thursday, June 24, 2010

My fantabulous random randomness

I thought I would totally switch that title up....completely different huh???  I knew you would like it!!  I actually enjoy these random's not because I'm lazy....well I am lazy but I love doing these posts!!  

* Super stoked that Eclipse is coming out next week!!!  B and I are going to see it next weekend I think.  It's kinda our thing...we went to the first two in the theater together and so obviously we will be going to this one.  If she tried to ditch me...well....I would probably kick her in her biscuit!!!
* DO NOT...I repeat, DO NOT stop taking your anxiety medication without talking to your doctor first.....end result is a WHOLE truck load of crazy!!!!
* Note to self:  Do not make brownies anymore.....I just wanted one and figured Justin would eat them up....well he didn't and....yeah the whole flippin pan is gone and I'm pretty sure that I ate that shit 3 days!!
* I had a bitchen mullet for like 3 years growing up!!!  From about the age of 5-7 I was pretty fugly.....not only was it a mullet but it was a f'in permed mullet.  Maybe, just maybe, I'll do a post on just how unfortunate looking I was at that age!!!  It'll be a good laugh!......Seriously though....permed mullet people!!!
* The phrase "Brown Chicken Brown Cow" makes me giggle!!!  And then it gets stuck in my head and then it sounds like I'm singing cheesy porn music!!  Do it.....say it!!!  It's kinda funny!!!  And then later...ask your hubs if he wants a little Brown Chicken Brown Cow and see what he says???  It could turn into a FUN night!
* Justin passed his Journeyman's test....we just got the results the other day!!!  I'm so proud of him and excited for him!!!  He worked his ass off and totaly deserves means that Nikki gets to go shopping!!!!  Holla.....yeah I just said Holla!!!!

Happy Friday All!!!

Smart and Trendy Momsfriday-follow


  1. Just found you on BlogFlow and happy to find a fellow 80's mullet sufferer...

  2. Hello! I am a new follower! I really like your blog! Please stop by my blog when you can. Be sure and check out all the low entry giveaways! Have a great Friday! Heather

  3. Hi,

    I found your blog through Social Parade, and I follow you now!


  4. Omg, the mullet!! Girlfriend--I totally understand...well, except for the permed mullet, lmao!

    And I took myself off my anxiety meds once. I felt like a damned addict going through withdrawals!! It was awful!! Back up to my regular!

    Happy Friday honey!

  5. Nikki,
    I gotta see pics of the mullet. I can't even begin to imagine what that would have looked like on a little NIkki and permed? OMG..I just laughed so hard that I seriously think I may have peed myself!
    LOL Go get yourself some of that Brown Chicken Brown Cow and you will forget all about that Permed mullet. Holla! You are cracking me up tonight!

  6. I hear you on the brownies, it always happens to me. I have an award for you on the blog.

  7. It is like you are living my life...except for some major differences we are totally the same.

    I am hoping to get me some brown chicken brown cow tonight!!

  8. Yay for Eclipse! We're excited too!

  9. Ummm yeah. I found out about that truck load of crazy part the hard way once. :) I wish I had someone like you to tell me that back then!

    SO EXCITED FOR NEXT WEEK! I'm going to see the movie on Wednesday and I can't wait.

    CONGRATULATIONS TO JUSTIN! That's such awesome news!

  10. I demand pictures of the permed mullet.

  11. 2 Things for you:

    1) You WILL post some of your permed mullet...or I will! Its happens to the best of us. I still liked you and wanted to play with you. Although i was only 2 years old and didnt know any better. JK!
    2) I told you guys that I wanted to go see that movie and you have not included me. I now am crying and am going make Joey go with me.

    Talk to you later...P.M.

  12. my name is Nikki too! how cool!
    i love your blog!
    i am superexicited about eclipse too!

    and I sing that brown chicken brown cow all the freakin time!

    come on over and visit my blog

    i am pretty new to the bloggy any advice i will appreciate!

  13. Why dont mullets die!! LOL

    Found your blog on Lady Bloggers Society Tea Party

  14. Thanks for checking out my blog. I am also excited about Eclipse. I'm currently baking a cake right now that I"m hoping my husband or other people will eat. I'll probalby end up eating most of it though unless I get it out of here.

  15. Hey Nikki- I just left an award for you on my blog. You obviously do not have to participate in the award process, I guess you could call it, but I wanted to recognize you anyway!

  16. Oh, the meds...not good to quit cold turkey!

    Congrats to your hubby..have fun shopping:)

  17. Yay for Justin! Hubby is eligible to take his Journeyman's but since he switched jobs I don't know if he ever will. I told him it definitely wouldn't hurt even if he never needed it!


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